As the Flame of Frith is an international, inclusive heathen prayer circle we speak out for peace and our prayers are to preserve all life and dialogue and diplomacy. The FoF frith cord is a symbol for connection. One of the prayers of our online two weekly online praying circle is:
If we want all lives to matter
we have to hold up the mirror to ourselves
and put a mirror in front of each other.
If we want all lives to matter
we have to speak up
and do something about lives
that still matter less than other lives:

Our response to a moving request from an ancestor of the seidr elder spirits was a whole heartely yes and it led to special encounters and new friendships. Please read how it evolved into Bridging the Gap, healing rituals for an lgbtqia+ ancestral subfield.
Or listen to The Wyrd Thing Podcast Episode 20: The ancestral field and Episode 21: Bridging the Gap.