Since March 2020 a group of people perform an Online Flame of Frith Ritual every two weeks on Sunday afternoon. What started as a healing ritual for COVID-19 soon grew into into much more, like praying beside healing also for laboratory animals, climate, social and intergenerational justice and inclusivity.
Please, sent an e-mail to [] if you would like to join one of our Online Flame of Frith Rituals.
Two weekly Online Flame of Frith Ritual 15.00 hours CET 14.00 hours GMT
January 7 and 21
February 4
March 3 and 17
April 14 and 28
May 12 and 26
June 9 en 23
July 7 and 21
August 4 and 18
September 1 and 29
October 13 and 27
November 10 and 24
December 8 and 22

Online Frithweaving for Mother Earth 19.30 – 20.30 GMT / 20.30 – 21.30 CET
January 7
April 29
July 15
October 28
Two weekly Online Flame of Frith Ritual 15.00 hours CET 14.00 hours GMT
January 22
February 5 en 19
March 5 and 19
April 2 and 16
May 14 and 28
June 5 and 19
July 9 and 23
August 6 and 20
September 3 and 17
October 1, 15 and29
November 12 and 26
December 10 and 24
Two weekly Online Flame of Frith Ritual 15.00 hours CET 14.00 hours GMT
15.00 hours CET 14.00 hours GMT
January 16 en 30
Februari 13 and 27
March 13 and 27
April 10 and 24
May 8 and 22
June 5 and 19
July 3 and 17 and 31
August 14 and 28
September 11 and 25
October 9 and 23
November 6 and 20
December 4 and 18