Over the next few days, many of us will be celebrating ostara, and welcome springtime.
In our rituals, let’s also call for peace, for climate justice, social justice and intergenerational justice!
Blessed are the seeds of frith and friendship.
Blessed are seeds of safety and sustainability.

We are the fertile soil
embracing seeds of frith.
We sow seeds of peace and plenty.
May the coming season bring
the promise of blossom and bloom,
and cover the earth with a cloth
of delightful green colours.
Blessings for meadows and mountains.
Blessings for coast and cliff.
Blessings for woods and waters.
Blessings for paddock and pond.
Blessings for seed and seedlings.
Blessings for sprouts and shoots.
Blessings for all offspring
in the air, on and in the land.