When I was a young girl of about 14, my (Dutch) father taught me a valuable lesson: “Mannen en vrouwen zijn niet gelijk, maar wel gelijkwaardig.” In English: “Men and women are not equal, but they are equivalent.”
This was 50 years ago. My father is no longer alive, although I’m sure now he would say: “All genders and genderidentities are equivalent.”

On International Women’s Day on March 8, we celebrate women and their achievements. We honour all women around the globe, in the past and today, who fight for women’s rights within politics, culture, and who support other marginalised groups as well. We should be aware that with the current toxic political climate achievements are under pressure and a critical attitude and solidarity are all the more important. Feminisme is inclusive! Women solidarity should be a safe space for all women, i.e. all who identify as a women.