In October, the Flame of Frith (FoF) had the honour of being guest at the Eldathing of the German asatru organisation Eldaring. FoF is gratefull for the oppertunity to perform our frithweaving ritual for the next nine generations. One of the members of Eldaring has been so kind to make an excellent translation of the text into German. For many people, their own language brings more depth and that was clearly noticeable.
It was the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic we joined a heathen gathering in Germany again and the first time to perform a ritual without a dear friend who passed away last year. Before the ritual set of we shared a moment to remember her. She is still missed and tears were shed. In some way she always will be part of our rituals through our loving memories of her.
The frithweaving ritual was performed with a wonderful group of people and is another lasting memory.
Anrufung der Guthan und Geistern
Wir heißen willkommen alle Wichte,
Wesen, Geister und Guthan,
die bereit sind den Frieden zu ehren!
Landwichte, Wasserwichte!
Elfen, Zwerge und Riesen!
Alle: Heil allen Geistern und Guthan, die uns wohl gesinnt sein!
Heil unseren Ahnen, Heil allen, die vor uns wohl gesinnt sind!
Alle: Alle: Heil du allen, die vor uns kamen!
Heil den nächsten neun Generationen!
Alle: Heil die nächsten neun Generationen!

Part of the ritual is making a garland with our wishes for the next nine generations.
A few weeks later the wish garland was ritually offered in a place of meaning.

Seelelied für die Geschwister von morgen
Singe Ich ein Seelenlied der Stille,
Stille für die Stimmen
unserer Geschwister von morgen.
Singe Ich ein Seelenlied der Stille,
höre sie in meinem Herzen.